Salary Surveys
PPC Salary Survey 2023. This salary survey was open to all digital marketing professionals around the world. The data was collected in February 2023.
We had 902 responses coming from Australia & New Zealand, Canada, United States, India, United Kingdom, Netherlands and other countries across the world.
We had 902 responses that made it into our report this year. Someone made a comment that they don’t think everyone realizes that this report is 100+ slides. Last year I went alphabetical for the order we show countries/regions and will continue that this year.
Companies make salary a black box affair and that doesn’t help anyone in the marketing industry. Our founder, Duane Brown, has been told more than a few times not to discuss what he was making with others on the marketing team… everyone was contracted out at a different salary. Learning what the industry pays your colleague or that new junior hire means that none of us are leaving money on the table. This knowledge is helpful when you get a promotion at work or decide to start applying for your dream job.
Salaries should be more open and if the industry won’t help, then we need to help ourselves. Each February we ask the industry to tell us what their gross salary was in the preceding calendar year. We then aggregated the results in March for everyone to see and keep this 100% transparent. I hope you find this helpful. You can view past salary surveys from 2016 to 2023.
Some Notes
The last slide for most regions has a 5 Year Trending median salary chart. This was a new slide we added last year.
20 for USA and 10 for rest of world is the bar we use to show a country/region of the world. We started using this three years ago to help make reporting easier. This includes showing a city, province, state for a country/region.
This year we see Africa get to join Asia, India, and South America with their own slide. South America got their own slide in 2022. Asian & India got slides in 2021.
Our top four countries were the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Netherlands. Shout out to the Netherlands for holding down their 4th place finish again. They are punching above their weight class and continue to attract company HQs who need talent
Remote work has increased a lot this year… a lot of people working for USA brands
Freelancers/self-employed results got a slide breakout in a few countries
Some people include their bonus in their salaries I imagine. This can make their salary higher then someone who might not have. Hence why we try to use the median salary across all reports
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